Legal Notice

International Ultra Triathlon Association (IUTA)
c/o Mark Hohe-Dorst
Postfach 63 01 42
60351 Frankfurt

Phone: +4915755164891
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Authorized IUTA representatives:
Mark Hohe-Dorst / Germany (President)
Daniel de Oliveira Rodrigues / Brazil  (Vize President)
Udo Menzel (Treasurer)
Laurent Quignette / France (Secretary)
Bernhard Vogel / Germany (Secretary & Ambassador)
Jacky Camós Wiewel (Media & Communication)
Anthony Lee Beaumont (Marketing)

IUTA auditor:
Jozsef Rokob / Hungary

IUTA referees on call:
Jozsef Rokob / Hungary
Bernhard Vogel / Germnay

Responsible for the next election 2025:
Jozsef Rokob / Hungary

Responsible for the website content:
Mark Hohe-Dorst

Katrin Meier, Mark Hohe-Dorst, Jean-Pierre Morin, Stefan Meier, Sean Kelly, Jörg Borkowski, Marek Borkowski, Felix Schlikis, Nadine Zahradnik, Heiko Zahradnik, Jakob Meier